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At Highway Vineyard Church we love to welcome new visitors. Our meeting usually starts with a short introduction at 11am, followed by around 30 minutes of worship and praise. We then have a few updates followed by a talk from the Bible which is designed to be relevant, accessible and challenging. We often follow this with a further time of worship, reflection and prayer. The meeting draws to a close around 12.30pm.
after the service
After the service, refreshments are provided. It's a great time to get to know each other, learn more about the church and catch up with friends.
"Highway Vineyard is a place where it is ok to just sit quietly at the back if you want, where you can try out belonging without first believing, & where it is ok to have lots of questions about God, life and faith"
​​CONNECT GROUPs/Courses​​​​​​
METRO Connect​​​​​​​​​​
Our Metro Connect Groups are small groups (8-12 people) that meet together in their local communities every fortnight to connect with God, one another and the City. They are discipleship groups with a prayerful and missional edge as we seek, together, to advance the Kingdom of God in our neighbourhoods, and move forward to fulfilling our multi-site church vision. The prayerful aim is to have at least one Metro Connect group in each postcode area across East London. If you are interested in joining a group, either in-person or online, please email
​Micro Connect
Micro Connect groups are small groups of people (2-6) who commit to journey together through this current season.
The Micro Connect groups follow the example of Jesus and Paul who both had travelling companions. Jesus had an inner group, within the twelve, consisting of Peter, James and John. Whereas Paul had various fellow travellers, at different times, on his missionary journeys - including Barnabas, Silas, Timothy and Luke. Micro Connect groups meet together once or twice a month. The goups are all about being prayerful supportive friends encouraging one another in our pursuit of Jesus and in the mission he has called us to.
If you would like to join a Micro Connect group please contact​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Count me in lunch' is an introduction to Highway Vineyard. The time together - over a tasty pizza lunch - is designed to hopefully help you discover if Highway Vineyard is a place you can call home. You will find out more about who we are, our plans for the future, and how you can potentially play your part in our church family. This is also a great opportunity to meet other new people within HVC. All newcomers will be invited to Count me in Lunch if we hold their details or if they visit the Connect Point on Sundays and sign up.
Please contact our Welcome Pastor Carol at for more information

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