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Upcoming Alpha Courses
We are often so busy that it is hard to stop and explore life's big questions: 'Is there more to life than this?', 'Do I have a purpose?', 'Is there a God?'
You would be welcome to join us for a relaxed and informal 11 week online course where you can ask questions and we can explore the answers together. We hold courses regularly throughout the year.
For further details, or to sign up for the next course, please email:
Everyone has questions
We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view; wherever they are in the world.
What is Alpha?
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone's welcome. It runs online, in cafés, churches, universities, homes - you name it. No two Alphas look the same, but generally, they have two key things in common: a talk, followed by a good conversation.

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