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2018 11 21 20 Farringdon Street-173.jpg
Sunday service



We have really missed meeting together and are so excited that we are now able to gather again on Sundays at our Stratford site.  As we do so, we will also continue to show our services on Zoom - please click here for details of how to watch online. 


Our priority is the safety of our congregation, visitors, staff and volunteer teams.  So our services will look different as we implement Covid-19 secure measures set out by the Government.  


We have a limited number of spaces each week and you will need to book a ticket in advance.  So, if you would like to join us, please click on one of the links below after reading the following service guidelines:


• At this stage, we regret that it is not appropriate to bring children under the age of 11 to church (unless they are a babe in arms).  There is an online Kids Church at 9.30am on Zoom.  In future we hope to have a family service - we will keep you informed.


• Everyone over the age of 11 is required to wear a face covering (unless exempt) so please remember to bring one with you. The mask should cover the nose and mouth while allowing you to breathe comfortably.  If you are at a distance of 2 metres from other people, you can lower your mask to take a drink or to take medication.  We suggest you bring bottled water with you.


• Please arrive by 10.30am to allow time to queue and check in on arrival, so that everyone is seated by 10.45am. 


• We are required to keep records of everyone who attends church for test and trace purposes.  Please be aware that by attending our service, you may be asked to self-isolate if someone who attends at the same time as you tests positive


• Please wash your hands or use the hand sanitiser provided when you arrive.


• Please follow the directions of our stewards to ensure that we comply with all the relevant rules and guidance. You should go straight to your seat and sit down when you arrive.


• The service will last for about one hour, with worship, prayers and a talk.  Singing together is not currently permitted, quiet humming and socially distanced dancing is fine!  You will still be able to engage with God and enjoy His presence. 


• Please maintain an appropriate social distance (at least 1m+) from others at all times.  As the alert level for London is currently 'Tier 2- High', this means that you must not mingle with anyone, unless you live with them or have previously formed a support bubble with them.


• The toilets will be open for use. However, before and after you use the facilities please use the hand sanitiser - and follow the instructions regarding which toilets and basins to use.


 • Please leave promptly after the service via the designated exit door.  Since we are not permitted to serve refreshments in church, why not make a plan (subject to the Covid guidelines) to go for coffee (or lunch) with others from church after the service?


• You should not attend church in person if you, or anyone you live with, or is in your support bubble, has tested positive for Covid, or has had any symptoms of Covid (a fever, new continuous cough or loss of, or change in, sense of taste or smell) in the previous 14 days.  You should also be self-isolating if you have been â€‹told to do so by NHS Test and Trace, or if you have recently arrived in the UK from a country outside the UK Government exemption list. 


• If you are in a vulnerable group, or have an underlying health condition, you should seek the advice of your doctor about whether it is safe for you to attend church in person.






















Due to the Covid guidelines, in-person capacity is limited.  Booking is on a first-come-first-served basis and will be open until 6.00pm on the Saturday before the service. Please only book to attend one of the services on 1st or 8th November, so that as many people as possible will have an opportunity to attend on site. You can also invite friends and include them, as additional attendees, when you place your booking. 


Please include ALL members of your household who will be attending by clicking 'add additional person' at the bottom of the form.


It is not necessary to book for on-line attendance.


To book a place at the next applicable service please click below:


1 November - the service will begin at 11.00am 


8 November - Remembrance Sunday - the service will begin at 10.50am


If you have any questions, please email:


We look forward to seeing you soon!


Highway Vineyard Church

+44 (0)20 8534 4019


Stratford Site & Church Office

88a Romford Road


E15 4EH


Manor Park Site

77 Gainsborough Avenue


E12 6JJ

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2022 Highway Vineyard Church

Highway Vineyard is a subsidiary charity 1116530-8 Trustees - Livability.

Members of the Evangelical Alliance

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